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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is salt room therapy?
    Salt therapy, also known as Halotherapy, is a drug-free, non-invasive treatment that alleviates the health problems associated with asthma, allergies, sinusitis, bronchitis, and a host of other respiratory illnesses. Along with healing benefits for chronic skin conditions; such as, eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc. It is a modern-day therapeutic method based on the principle of the natural salt mine micro-climate (Speleotherapy), where frequent exposure to the salt produced healing results for miners and others experiencing respiratory illnesses. As you relax in a comfortable, climate-controlled room surrounded by mineral salt, salt micro-particles are emitted into the room and passively enter your lungs to initiate the healing process.
  • How does salt therapy work?
    A patented machine called a halogenerator produces dry saline aerosol by mechanically crushing rock salt grains to the size of 1 to 5 micrometers. The generator is installed on the outside wall of the salt rooms. The dry salt aerosol is blown into the rooms via a small opening in the wall. In addition to a halogenerator, the walls of salt therapy rooms are covered with mineral salt. The salt-filled room provides a negative ion environment (like the seashore), which contributes to wellbeing and promotes stress reduction in addition to helping your particular condition. These small particles of salt are negatively ionized and bear very high kinetic energy. This way they can travel into the deepest and smallest parts of the lungs. Negative ionization of salt aerosol increases the efficiency of healing. Inhaling the micro-salt particles assists you in expelling mucous and helps open constricted airways. It also boosts the immune system.
  • What conditions are improved by salt therapy?
    Asthma Allergies Chronic ENT illnesses (ear-nose-throat) Bronchitis Frequent ear infections Frequent colds Hay fever Smoker's cough COPD Cystic Fibrosis Sinusitis Rhinitis Snoring Sleep Apnea
  • When should salt treatment be avoided?
    Infections accompanied by fever Patients who have cancer Patients who have or have had a tuberculosis Patients who have cardiac insufficiency High blood pressure diseases/hypertension in IIB stage Acute stage of respiratory disease Chronic obstructive lung diseases with 3rd stage of chronic lung insufficiency Intoxication Bleeding/Spitting of Blood All internal diseases in decompensation
  • Isn't introducing salt into the body bad for you?
    Eating too much salt is linked to high blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. However, with salt therapy, the salt enters your respiratory system, not your stomach, heart, and kidneys. In addition, the concentration of salt is .5-10 mg/m3(milligrams per cubic meter). To put that into perspective, the daily recommended salt intake for the average adult is 6g (grams). Therefore, the amount of salt entering your respiratory system is extremely low. Even if you eat that amount instead of breathing it, the amount of salt is insignificant. Salt entering the lungs kills bacteria, reduces inflammation, and loosens mucus.
  • Are there side effects?
    Rarely. If you have a lot of mucous, it is not uncommon to experience increased coughing after a treatment. This is the body’s way of responding to the salt treatment by draining the accumulated mucus.
  • Is salt therapy safe for children?
    Absolutely! Salt therapy is a completely drug-free treatment for children and adults. Children as young as 3 months have benefitted greatly and respond quickly and effectively to Halotherapy. Children are more prone to respiratory problems because they pick up more viruses and their lungs are not fully developed until about the age of 9. In addition, the environment is filled with pollutants which children have a harder time keeping at bay.
  • Is salt therapy safe for pregnant women?
    Yes. Salt therapy is a great choice for women who do not want to rely heavily on over-the-counter or prescribed medication for sinusitis, asthma, allergies, and other respiratory illnesses. Pregnant women who have utilized the salt room have experienced relief for their congestion and chronic respiratory problems. In addition, the ionized salt particles help boost their immune system.
  • Should I stop using my medication during salt therapy?
    No. Salt room therapy should be used as a complementary treatment. People who come for salt room therapy often find that they can reduce their dependence on certain medications and that their episodes are not as frequent or severe. However, you should always follow your doctor's advice and your prescribed medication regimen.
  • How many treatments will I need?
    Since every person, condition, severity, etc. is different; there is no one treatment plan. Serenity Salt Spa will discuss your treatment goals and offer the best plan of action for your condition.
  • What will I experience when I sit in the salt room?
    When you enter the salt room, you will instantly feel the tranquility it offers to each and every client, especially when you step onto the covered Himalayan salt covered floor. The room is designed to enhance the treatment experience with lightning adjustments and relaxing music which will allow for adult clients to just sit back and relax in one of our zero-gravity chairs, with a soft blanket and an eye mask for the ultimate relaxation experience. All sessions last for 45 minutes and it is extremely likely that you will be able to taste a hint of salt on your lips. At the end of your session you will feel; relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated.
  • What about picking up germs in the salt room?
    There are NO germs to be picked up in either salt rooms. One of the best things about Himalayan Salt is that it is 100% anti-fungal and anti-bacteria. Himalayan salt has a natural property that absorbs bacteria. In addition, the floors are covered with pure Himalayan salt, which creates sterile conditions in each room. In addition to all the properties the salt has to offer, after each session, the room is fully ventilated; sending the old air outside and bringing fresh air in.
  • Is salt therapy covered by insurance?
    Although salt therapy is partially covered by health insurance in Canada and some European countries, it is not covered by health insurance in the U.S.
  • What clothing do I wear in the salt room?
    You do not need to wear anything special, but we do suggest that you wear clothes that you can fully RELAX in. We also suggest that clients who have skin conditions; such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc., where clothes; such as a tank top/ T-shirt and shorts, which will allow you to reap the full benefit of your salt treatment.
  • What is the benefit of the ionic foot bath?
    When looking for the benefits of the ion bath you need to directly observe the body and not the water. The main benefit of these baths is to “alkaline” the body, meaning to push the pH levels to a baseline. Scientific analyses have been done on the urine of patients before and after a 30-minute treatment. They concluded that the negative ions produced in the bath significantly lower the pH levels in the body, and the results can be seen for up to 48 hours. An alkaline body is crucial to a person’s health. Diseases thrive in an acidic environment. So basically, the less acidic your body is and the more alkaline, the less prone you are to contract a disease. An ionic detox helps to facilitate the alkalization process through the process of ionization, which removes “free radicals” from the body.
  • Why does the water change color?
    The change in color in your ion foot baths is probably not because of toxins coming out from your feet but instead is the reaction of already present compounds in the water and salt we put in the bath. However, we do notice that the color, smell, and foaming in the water do change from treatment to treatment with the same client indicating some lymphatic response in the body.
  • What happens during an ion foot bath session?
    The ion foot bath is a soothing and relaxing 30-minute session. You'll feel super pampered as your feet soak in a warm foot bath. During the session, the water will begin to change colors and sometimes objects may appear. This is entirely normal. It's a result of the chemical reaction between the toxins in your body, and the particles in the water, such as salt, and metals in the array. The resulting products depend on the toxins in your body and the acidity of your body.
  • How does it help to improve my health?
    Diseases thrive in an acidic environment. The less acidic your body is, the less prone you are to contracting a disease, such as osteoporosis or cancer. 85%of all illnesses are caused by toxins and pollutants in our bodies. The human body functions best when the ions are balanced at 80% negative and 20% positive. So how do we achieve this? An ionic detox helps to facilitate the alkalization process through the process of ionization, which removes “free radicals” from the body and is a gentle and safe, treatment.
  • Who are good candidates for an ion detox foot bath?
    Most people between the ages of 10 and 65 can benefit from an ionic detox cleansing treatment. It is especially good for those suffering from GI disorders, skin conditions, fungal or yeast infections, and cancer. The ionic detox is contraindicated for those who have a pacemaker and open sores or lesions on his/her feet. People with Diabetes Type I should use this therapy with precaution.
  • How often should one get a session for maximum benefit?
    We are obliged to schedule your treatments at your convenience but it is recommended you follow a consistent schedule to get the best benefits: 2 to 3 times per week for 4 weeks is ideal. For those over 65 the recommended schedule is 2 times a week for 6 weeks.
  • Why is it important to Detoxify?
    The Human body has a unique capability to heal itself. When functioning properly, it can kill invading viruses and bacteria, destroy cancer cells and prevent virtually all diseases. The problem faced today is more and more people are suffering from a wide range of illnesses. Today's modern society has created what many healthcare practitioners refer to as an epidemic. We have created what we now call environmental illness. Environmental illness is perpetuated by current Western medicine attempting to treat the symptom and not the underlying cause. Natural health care practitioners and physicians, who specialize in integrative medicine, recognize the need for detoxification. Although the human body was designed to handle a relatively large amount of toxins, our modern environment is contaminated to the point that most people need assistance to regain and maintain optimum health. This is where the ION Foot Detox comes in. ​ The role of Ionic Foot Detox is a beneficial alternative therapy for helping the body to reduce unwanted toxins on its own; it is only an aid in the healing process carried out by your immune system. According to the theory of Nutritional Immunology, only your immune system can heal your body and cure you of your illness and disease. So, therapeutic detoxification is a valuable way of assisting the body to detoxify and cleanse its organs and tissues on its own. This detoxification and cleansing process carried out by your own body, miraculously aids in the healing process carried out by our immune system.
  • How does an ionic detox foot bath work?
    Electrical current passes through a set of plates in a module that is immersed in the water inside the foot bathtub. The foot bath water contains special sea salt, so it has the mineral concentration of water from the ocean. While the client's feet are in the water, positive and negative ions are emitted by the foot bath system. This re-energizes the body and the red blood cells. It eliminates toxins that are stored in fat, kidneys, liver, bowels, and skin. The foot bath also triggers the body's lymphatic system, which helps with continuing detoxification for up to 24 to 48 hours after a session.
  • How quickly can I expect results from my condition?
    This will depend on your personal condition, lifestyle, and your willingness to take responsibility for your health. The frequency of the ION Foot Detox sessions also plays a role in how quickly results are achieved.
  • Is it a person that does the massage?
    Unlike a traditional massage, our lymphatic massages are done with an air compression suit (pneumatic massage). When you arrive, we slip you into large boots and a wrap that goes around your torso. We then discuss which pressure would be best for you and turn on a small machine that sends air pressure up your body, relaxing and releasing every part of you, along with stimulating the lymphatic drainage system. Our clients find this to be even more effective than a manual massage in terms of moving fat and toxins around and out of the body and describe it as feeling like 4 pairs of hands are massaging you at once.
  • Why don't you have a compresssion suit for the arms?
    About half of our lymph nodes are in the torso and legs and they hold onto large amounts of toxins, excess hormones and water. Our suits are designed so that the fluids in your entire body are getting movement during the massage and therefore, your arms also receive these benefits.
  • Does it hurt? What if I don't like the amount of compression?
    It does not hurt at all – in fact, it is extremely soothing and relaxing. Just like our saunas, the lymphatic massage is completely customizable. You can do a session that is light and gentle with low compression or we can turn it up to feel more like a deep tissue massage, it’s your choice!
  • What is Lymphatic Drainage and what are the benefits?
    Lymphatic Drainage is crucial for good health and a strong immune system. The suit massages your lymph nodes – bean shaped glands throughout the whole body. A properly functioning Lymph system will drain excess fluid from tissues, prevent the absorption of fatty acid, and subsequently transports fat to the circulatory system, all of which are necessary for the production of immune cells. The best part of our lymphatic massages is its ability to minimize cellulite! The breaking up of fluid and increase of circulation will also decrease swelling and bloat in the body. Doing Lymphatic Massage is also essential before and after traveling by plane, to help your body’s ecosystem balance out again.
  • What is salt room therapy?
    Salt therapy, also known as Halotherapy, is a drug-free, non-invasive treatment that alleviates the health problems associated with asthma, allergies, sinusitis, bronchitis, and a host of other respiratory illnesses. Along with healing benefits for chronic skin conditions; such as, eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc. It is a modern-day therapeutic method based on the principle of the natural salt mine micro-climate (Speleotherapy), where frequent exposure to the salt produced healing results for miners and others experiencing respiratory illnesses. As you relax in a comfortable, climate-controlled room surrounded by mineral salt, salt micro-particles are emitted into the room and passively enter your lungs to initiate the healing process.
  • How does salt therapy work?
    A patented machine called a halogenerator produces dry saline aerosol by mechanically crushing rock salt grains to the size of 1 to 5 micrometers. The generator is installed on the outside wall of the salt rooms. The dry salt aerosol is blown into the rooms via a small opening in the wall. In addition to a halogenerator, the walls of salt therapy rooms are covered with mineral salt. The salt-filled room provides a negative ion environment (like the seashore), which contributes to wellbeing and promotes stress reduction in addition to helping your particular condition. These small particles of salt are negatively ionized and bear very high kinetic energy. This way they can travel into the deepest and smallest parts of the lungs. Negative ionization of salt aerosol increases the efficiency of healing. Inhaling the micro-salt particles assists you in expelling mucous and helps open constricted airways. It also boosts the immune system.
  • What conditions are improved by salt therapy?
    Asthma Allergies Chronic ENT illnesses (ear-nose-throat) Bronchitis Frequent ear infections Frequent colds Hay fever Smoker's cough COPD Cystic Fibrosis Sinusitis Rhinitis Snoring Sleep Apnea
  • When should salt treatment be avoided?
    Infections accompanied by fever Patients who have cancer Patients who have or have had a tuberculosis Patients who have cardiac insufficiency High blood pressure diseases/hypertension in IIB stage Acute stage of respiratory disease Chronic obstructive lung diseases with 3rd stage of chronic lung insufficiency Intoxication Bleeding/Spitting of Blood All internal diseases in decompensation
  • Isn't introducing salt into the body bad for you?
    Eating too much salt is linked to high blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. However, with salt therapy, the salt enters your respiratory system, not your stomach, heart, and kidneys. In addition, the concentration of salt is .5-10 mg/m3(milligrams per cubic meter). To put that into perspective, the daily recommended salt intake for the average adult is 6g (grams). Therefore, the amount of salt entering your respiratory system is extremely low. Even if you eat that amount instead of breathing it, the amount of salt is insignificant. Salt entering the lungs kills bacteria, reduces inflammation, and loosens mucus.
  • Are there side effects?
    Rarely. If you have a lot of mucous, it is not uncommon to experience increased coughing after a treatment. This is the body’s way of responding to the salt treatment by draining the accumulated mucus.
  • Is salt therapy safe for children?
    Absolutely! Salt therapy is a completely drug-free treatment for children and adults. Children as young as 3 months have benefitted greatly and respond quickly and effectively to Halotherapy. Children are more prone to respiratory problems because they pick up more viruses and their lungs are not fully developed until about the age of 9. In addition, the environment is filled with pollutants which children have a harder time keeping at bay.
  • Is salt therapy safe for pregnant women?
    Yes. Salt therapy is a great choice for women who do not want to rely heavily on over-the-counter or prescribed medication for sinusitis, asthma, allergies, and other respiratory illnesses. Pregnant women who have utilized the salt room have experienced relief for their congestion and chronic respiratory problems. In addition, the ionized salt particles help boost their immune system.
  • Should I stop using my medication during salt therapy?
    No. Salt room therapy should be used as a complementary treatment. People who come for salt room therapy often find that they can reduce their dependence on certain medications and that their episodes are not as frequent or severe. However, you should always follow your doctor's advice and your prescribed medication regimen.
  • How many treatments will I need?
    Since every person, condition, severity, etc. is different; there is no one treatment plan. Serenity Salt Spa will discuss your treatment goals and offer the best plan of action for your condition.
  • What will I experience when I sit in the salt room?
    When you enter the salt room, you will instantly feel the tranquility it offers to each and every client, especially when you step onto the covered Himalayan salt covered floor. The room is designed to enhance the treatment experience with lightning adjustments and relaxing music which will allow for adult clients to just sit back and relax in one of our zero-gravity chairs, with a soft blanket and an eye mask for the ultimate relaxation experience. All sessions last for 45 minutes and it is extremely likely that you will be able to taste a hint of salt on your lips. At the end of your session you will feel; relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated.
  • What about picking up germs in the salt room?
    There are NO germs to be picked up in either salt rooms. One of the best things about Himalayan Salt is that it is 100% anti-fungal and anti-bacteria. Himalayan salt has a natural property that absorbs bacteria. In addition, the floors are covered with pure Himalayan salt, which creates sterile conditions in each room. In addition to all the properties the salt has to offer, after each session, the room is fully ventilated; sending the old air outside and bringing fresh air in.
  • Is salt therapy covered by insurance?
    Although salt therapy is partially covered by health insurance in Canada and some European countries, it is not covered by health insurance in the U.S.
  • What clothing do I wear in the salt room?
    You do not need to wear anything special, but we do suggest that you wear clothes that you can fully RELAX in. We also suggest that clients who have skin conditions; such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc., where clothes; such as a tank top/ T-shirt and shorts, which will allow you to reap the full benefit of your salt treatment.
  • What is the benefit of the ionic foot bath?
    When looking for the benefits of the ion bath you need to directly observe the body and not the water. The main benefit of these baths is to “alkaline” the body, meaning to push the pH levels to a baseline. Scientific analyses have been done on the urine of patients before and after a 30-minute treatment. They concluded that the negative ions produced in the bath significantly lower the pH levels in the body, and the results can be seen for up to 48 hours. An alkaline body is crucial to a person’s health. Diseases thrive in an acidic environment. So basically, the less acidic your body is and the more alkaline, the less prone you are to contract a disease. An ionic detox helps to facilitate the alkalization process through the process of ionization, which removes “free radicals” from the body.
  • Why does the water change color?
    The change in color in your ion foot baths is probably not because of toxins coming out from your feet but instead is the reaction of already present compounds in the water and salt we put in the bath. However, we do notice that the color, smell, and foaming in the water do change from treatment to treatment with the same client indicating some lymphatic response in the body.
  • What happens during an ion foot bath session?
    The ion foot bath is a soothing and relaxing 30-minute session. You'll feel super pampered as your feet soak in a warm foot bath. During the session, the water will begin to change colors and sometimes objects may appear. This is entirely normal. It's a result of the chemical reaction between the toxins in your body, and the particles in the water, such as salt, and metals in the array. The resulting products depend on the toxins in your body and the acidity of your body.
  • How does it help to improve my health?
    Diseases thrive in an acidic environment. The less acidic your body is, the less prone you are to contracting a disease, such as osteoporosis or cancer. 85%of all illnesses are caused by toxins and pollutants in our bodies. The human body functions best when the ions are balanced at 80% negative and 20% positive. So how do we achieve this? An ionic detox helps to facilitate the alkalization process through the process of ionization, which removes “free radicals” from the body and is a gentle and safe, treatment.
  • Who are good candidates for an ion detox foot bath?
    Most people between the ages of 10 and 65 can benefit from an ionic detox cleansing treatment. It is especially good for those suffering from GI disorders, skin conditions, fungal or yeast infections, and cancer. The ionic detox is contraindicated for those who have a pacemaker and open sores or lesions on his/her feet. People with Diabetes Type I should use this therapy with precaution.
  • How often should one get a session for maximum benefit?
    We are obliged to schedule your treatments at your convenience but it is recommended you follow a consistent schedule to get the best benefits: 2 to 3 times per week for 4 weeks is ideal. For those over 65 the recommended schedule is 2 times a week for 6 weeks.
  • Why is it important to Detoxify?
    The Human body has a unique capability to heal itself. When functioning properly, it can kill invading viruses and bacteria, destroy cancer cells and prevent virtually all diseases. The problem faced today is more and more people are suffering from a wide range of illnesses. Today's modern society has created what many healthcare practitioners refer to as an epidemic. We have created what we now call environmental illness. Environmental illness is perpetuated by current Western medicine attempting to treat the symptom and not the underlying cause. Natural health care practitioners and physicians, who specialize in integrative medicine, recognize the need for detoxification. Although the human body was designed to handle a relatively large amount of toxins, our modern environment is contaminated to the point that most people need assistance to regain and maintain optimum health. This is where the ION Foot Detox comes in. ​ The role of Ionic Foot Detox is a beneficial alternative therapy for helping the body to reduce unwanted toxins on its own; it is only an aid in the healing process carried out by your immune system. According to the theory of Nutritional Immunology, only your immune system can heal your body and cure you of your illness and disease. So, therapeutic detoxification is a valuable way of assisting the body to detoxify and cleanse its organs and tissues on its own. This detoxification and cleansing process carried out by your own body, miraculously aids in the healing process carried out by our immune system.
  • How does an ionic detox foot bath work?
    Electrical current passes through a set of plates in a module that is immersed in the water inside the foot bathtub. The foot bath water contains special sea salt, so it has the mineral concentration of water from the ocean. While the client's feet are in the water, positive and negative ions are emitted by the foot bath system. This re-energizes the body and the red blood cells. It eliminates toxins that are stored in fat, kidneys, liver, bowels, and skin. The foot bath also triggers the body's lymphatic system, which helps with continuing detoxification for up to 24 to 48 hours after a session.
  • How quickly can I expect results from my condition?
    This will depend on your personal condition, lifestyle, and your willingness to take responsibility for your health. The frequency of the ION Foot Detox sessions also plays a role in how quickly results are achieved.
  • Is it a person that does the massage?
    Unlike a traditional massage, our lymphatic massages are done with an air compression suit (pneumatic massage). When you arrive, we slip you into large boots and a wrap that goes around your torso. We then discuss which pressure would be best for you and turn on a small machine that sends air pressure up your body, relaxing and releasing every part of you, along with stimulating the lymphatic drainage system. Our clients find this to be even more effective than a manual massage in terms of moving fat and toxins around and out of the body and describe it as feeling like 4 pairs of hands are massaging you at once.
  • Why don't you have a compresssion suit for the arms?
    About half of our lymph nodes are in the torso and legs and they hold onto large amounts of toxins, excess hormones and water. Our suits are designed so that the fluids in your entire body are getting movement during the massage and therefore, your arms also receive these benefits.
  • Does it hurt? What if I don't like the amount of compression?
    It does not hurt at all – in fact, it is extremely soothing and relaxing. Just like our saunas, the lymphatic massage is completely customizable. You can do a session that is light and gentle with low compression or we can turn it up to feel more like a deep tissue massage, it’s your choice!
  • What is Lymphatic Drainage and what are the benefits?
    Lymphatic Drainage is crucial for good health and a strong immune system. The suit massages your lymph nodes – bean shaped glands throughout the whole body. A properly functioning Lymph system will drain excess fluid from tissues, prevent the absorption of fatty acid, and subsequently transports fat to the circulatory system, all of which are necessary for the production of immune cells. The best part of our lymphatic massages is its ability to minimize cellulite! The breaking up of fluid and increase of circulation will also decrease swelling and bloat in the body. Doing Lymphatic Massage is also essential before and after traveling by plane, to help your body’s ecosystem balance out again.
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