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Oxygen Bar


Oxygen “therapy” boosts energy levels and increases your endurance during exercise and recovery.  


Oxygen is a vital part of our existence; it is in the water we drink and the air we breathe.  The benefits of oxygen as reducing stress, increasing energy and alertness, lessening the effects of hangovers, headaches, and sinus problems, and generally relaxing the body.


As research is increasingly showing that smell is the strongest and most powerful of the senses and can impact almost everything, from dreams and emotions, driving, stress, and gambling, to pain, concentration, memory, and romance.


Oxygen dispensed from an Oxygen Bar is about 90% pure oxygen, giving a boost in the oxygen levels in the body.

Benefits of Oxygen Therapy


  • Heightens concentration, alertness and memory

  • 90% of our energy comes from oxygen, and only 10% from food and water

  • Oxygen is vital to your immune system, memory, thinking and sight

  • Promotes healing and counters aging

  • Strengthens your heart, reducing the risk of heart attacks

  • Calms your mind and stabilizes your nervous system

  • Speeds up the body’s recovery after physical exertion

  • Provides a natural remedy for headaches, migraines and hangovers

  • Relieves temporary altitude discomfort

  • Improves digestion and cell metabolism

  • Relieves muscle stiffness, supports pre-athletic performance

  • Lessens Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and give you better sleep patterns


Breathing air contains around 21% oxygen, so how do you benefit from an oxygen bar? Oxygen bars use a system to deliver concentrated oxygen at a rate of up to 95% and do this by filtering out the atmospheric gases that are an unnecessary part of room air. This purified oxygen can be combined with an optional scent that offers aromatherapeutic benefits that promote emotions and positive moods.

It's time to get Balanced

Oxygen Bar Sessions

Single Session (30-minutes)        $25.

Couples Session (30-minutes)     $40.

Enhance your Experience with
one of these Healing Scents

Coconut, Mango, Lemongrass, Strawberry, Lavender, Lime, Berry, Chamomile, Vanilla Bean and more!


Oxygen Bars can be added to one of our Group Gathering Parties!

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